Refraction House


Misha Kuball, 40 years of age, born in Dusseldorf in Germany. Produces space related projects often
using light. Creating mostly temporary installations, almost sculptural pieces, often used for exhibitions.
He also presents lectures around the world reguarly.

Art work facts:

Refraction House, 1994. This piece is a small brick synagoge placed within a pitch black room which is
filled with extremely bright lights shing from within to the outside, blinding the viewer brifely until their
eyes adjust.

Personal response:

The piece is obviously meant to hav some sort of religious links, possibly as if heaven or some god like
prescence is inside it. It suggest to me there is something importamt people may want to be a part of
inside the synagoge but i find it quite ironic that light, a material which we cannot touch, feel, smell or
hear is what creates this impression. Light is a hard quality to define. The dark room which the piece is
placed within is excellent at making it stand out. The harsh contrast forces you to pay attention to the
exhibition. I feel the piece is good at intrigiung the viewer, especially throught the use of light as a
material. I feel it forces the viewer to think deeply about the meaning behind this piece.

Additional Information:

Along with mostly the temporary work Kuball produces, he has several permanent installations. Also he
has written severl books. He has his own website which is

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